Pâte Brisée or short crust pastry

Here is my no fail recipe for short crust dough you can use for quiche or tarte Tatin. The key to success is to use frozen butter.

Tarte Tatin with pickled onions and apple

Tarte Tatin with pickled onions and apple


  • 200 gr flour

  • 100 gr hard butter (plantbased or normal) cut into small pieces and kept in freezer

  • 1 egg

  • 5 g salt

  • 10 ml water


  • Pastryroller

  • Quiche tin (low rim, made of aluminium or iron)

  • Foodprocessor with cutting knife. Or a doughscraper.

  • Bakingpaper

Quiche with asparagus and peas

Quiche with asparagus and peas


Pulse all ingredients in foodprocessor. It is important that butter is kept in freezer. Low temperature avoids gluten. If you do it by hand. put all ingredients in a large bowl and ‘cut’ it with the scraper. No hands.

As soon as it looks like fine sand, stop and roll into ball with hands. Shape into disk, lay between two sheets of baking paper and roll into a disk of 1 cm height. Let rest in fridge.




Savoury Tarte Tatin