Le Procope means onion soup

Say France and ask what soup comes to mind. I bet it will be soup d’oignons!


Le Procope. One of the oldest restaurants in Paris. If you live in Paris, you never visit a tourist trap. But it was Jasper’s birthday, so exceptions allowed. He visited Paris in 1980 with his parents and still remembered Le Procope. In 2018, it was packed still packed with the elegant lunch crowd. We had the signature dish: a big fat bowl of soupe d’ognions, with a complete cover of melted cheese. Almost to good to be true, a cheese-fondue and soup in one. This is what Wikipedia says about Le Procope: founded by Procopio dei Coltelli in 1686, it claims to be the oldest coffeehouse of the world and the most famous center of the literary and philosophic life of the 18th and 19th centuries. It was frequented by La Fontaine, Voltaire and the Encyclopedistes: Benjamin Franklin, Danton, Marat, Robespierre, Napoleon Bonaparte, Balzac, Victor Hugo, Gambetta, Verlaine and Anatole France.

You can recreate this at your place. The simple recipe to enjoy chez toi (without the tears of cutting raw onions). Speak French over dinner and pretend you are having lunch in Saint Germain de Pres


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